Online dock scheduling improves the bottom line

Online dock scheduling improves the bottom line

Implementing online dock-scheduling software is not only a “green” practice beneficial to the environment, it also improves a company’s bottom line by automating a key component of the supply chain, according to Appointment-Plus enterprise scheduling software.

As reported in AlixPartners’ “2013 Executive Survey on Supply Chain Sustainability”, most supply chain executives agree that while sustainability is increasingly important, cost still eclipses environmental impact in the decision-making process. In fact, 84 percent said lower costs were more important to customers than environmentally-friendly processes.

Bucking this mindset, however, are facilities utilizing cloud-based technology to automate their inbound delivery scheduling. By doing so, they’re operating more greenly, efficiently and profitably.

“More and more facilities worldwide are implementing online dock scheduling software to help them streamline this challenging task,” says Bob La Loggia, CEO of Appointment-Plus. “They’re not only improving their bottom lines by enhancing the supply chain, they’re also operating in a more environmentally-friendly manner.”

Enterprise scheduling software enables facilities to properly slot all inbound shipments by requiring carriers to schedule specific delivery times online. As inbound vehicles now have an exact drop-off time, the likelihood of long lines of trucks waiting for their turn to unload their cargo is dramatically reduced. This, in turn, significantly decreases the amount of emissions emitted into the air from idling vehicles.

In short, scheduling all deliveries through enterprise software lets drivers dock and unload quickly.

Creating an efficient and faster delivery process can also improve a facility’s bottom line by reducing missed or late deliveries. Requiring carriers to schedule exact delivery times significantly decreases the number of missed or late deliveries. This keeps your supply chain in check, as time is money. Knowing exact delivery times lets facilities better schedule their dock staff. This ensures quick unloading times and reduces the likelihood of costly detention fees.  Additionally, an enterprise scheduling system can record arrival and departure times. This information is vital when disputing detention charges.

In addition to reducing detention fees, properly scheduling dock staff can dramatically reduce the likelihood of overtime pay. Facilities can plan ahead and schedule the precise number of employees needed for specific delivery times. This reduces the chance of a facility being short- or overstaffed.