About Material Handling Wholesaler

Material Handling Wholesaler…the material handling voice in the wholesale industry!

Material Handling Wholesaler (MHW) is an internationally known publication serving the wholesale material handling industry. “Wholesaler” has four primary products: a monthly magazine, a user-friendly website, and two e-newsletters (Wholesaler Weekly and Wholesaler Digital.)

The monthly issue of Wholesaler has been the industry’s premier “buy and sell” forum since it began in 1979. It features industry columnists, news, equipment and services, and a vendor Source Directory.

MHW recognizes its readers enjoy receiving industry news and product information in both print and electronic formats. The Wholesaler will continue to deliver industry news to your business but is now available in a digital format and delivered directly to your inbox.

The Wholesaler’s website, www.MHWmag.com, expands on the magazine with additional industry news and feature articles, as well as extensive product listings and an online vendor Source Directory. The website also has an archive search engine for news articles and equipment listings. For the latest industry news and product releases, readers count on the Wholesaler Weekly e-newsletter every Tuesday, delivering breaking news, feature articles, and industry links for more products and services. Every fourth Thursday of each month the Wholesaler Digital e-newsletter features even more new products and a link to the monthly publication to be viewed online with a PC or tablet.

To subscribe to Material Handling Wholesaler, click here.

Contact us with any questions:

For more information about advertising in Material Handling Wholesaler, contact Dean Millius  or Kris Krueger.

For more information about production, ad specifications contact our production department.

For more information about editorial,  in Material Handling Wholesaler, contact the Editor.