New Roto-Picker solves under rack stock picking problem

New to the USA but being used by Coca-Cola and several other large companies in Australia, the world patented Roto-Picker is now available here, and ready to solve that age old back breaking problem – of picking stock from the rear of a pallet which is underneath the pallet racking.  The act of bending, moving in, then lifting a heavy carton or sack from under pallet racking, causes all types of aches and strains to stock pickers. The Roto-Picker solves the problem simply, easily and speedily.

When the front cartons have been picked, simply flip over the two front latches (they prevent rotation), fit the pull handle, pull out the pallet, rotate it, re-latch, then push the pallet back under the rack – problem solved. The rear cartons are now at the front.  The operator is happy, management are happy, whilst the insurance company and the doctor get to lose out.