What factors contribute to forklift trucks accidents?

What factors contribute to forklift trucks accidents?

Many work-related factors can cause accidents. Grouping them into specific categories may help to analyze accidents and, eventually, to prevent them. 

What factors of work organization can contribute to forklift trucks accidents?
•Lack of training or improper training of workers who have to operate forklift trucks
•Production factors such as speed or stress
•Lack of proper tools, attachments and accessories
•Improper assignment of forklifts and operators
•Poor maintenance of forklifts
•Age of forklifts

What behavioral and operational factors can contribute to forklift trucks accidents?
•Travelling at excessive speed
•Riding with the load elevated
•Improper backing up techniques
•Improper turning, breaking or accelerating
•Improper warnings to others about a forklift in use nearby
•Poor communication during shared tasks, or in shared spaces
•Riding or giving rides on forklift or load
•Parking the forklift improperly
•Improper blocking of wheels on semi-trailers or railway cars
•Horseplay; stunt driving; jerky, erratic driving
•Inadequate servicing of the forklift

How can workplace design contribute to forklift trucks accidents?
•Narrow aisles
•Crowded, cluttered aisles
•Obstructions at intersections and doors
•Volume of traffic in work area
•Walking and working in the general area of forklift operations
•Other workplace conditions such as noise, odors, toxic gases, dust, or poor lighting
•Many ramps with different surfaces
•Condition of loading dock

What characteristics of the load create a hazard?
•Poorly stacked or piled on the pallet
•Pallets in poor repair
•Load too heavy
•Load unstable or blocking vision

What mechanical conditions or design features increase the risk for forklift accidents?
•Malfunction of brakes
•Malfunction of steering
•Malfunction of clutch, shift linkage, or transmission
•Malfunction of mast assembly
•Leaks in hydraulic systems or transmission
•Safety devices lacking, inadequate, or malfunctioning
•Emissions from forklifts
•Blind spots or obstructions blocking driver’s view
•Poor layout of controls and displays

How can accidents with pedestrians be reduced or avoided?
•Separate the pedestrian and forklift traffic by creating designated walkways or travel ways
•Restrict people from entering areas where the forklift is operating
•Keep a safe distance from the forklift whenever possible
•Pedestrians should always let the driver know they are in the area. Make eye contact with the driver to ensure your presence is known
•Ensure the area is well lit and there are no obstructions
•Be cautious near blind corners, doorways, and narrow aisles. Sound the forklift horn at intersections
•Use high-visibility clothing, where appropriate
•Limit forklift travel speed
•Do not walk near or under raised forks
•Do not load the forklift in a way that restricts the driver’s viewing area
•Avoid driving forklift near areas where pedestrian traffic is high (e.g., lunch rooms, time clocks, entrances/exits)

Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety