Ohio’s Edison Technology Centers recognize Crown Equipment

The directors of the Ohio Edison Technology Centers recently awarded their prestigious Crystal Award for Excellence to Crown Equipment. The annual award recognizes Ohio companies that have created significant economic impact in their communities and the state. EWI, which is one of the original Edison Centers created by the State of Ohio in the mid-1980s, nominated Crown for the honor.

Crown worked with EWI to develop innovative welding and fabrication processes that helped the company realize reduced design costs, increased manufacturing efficiencies and accelerated time to market.

“Crown Equipment embodies the spirit of technology innovation,” said Dale Robinson, director of business development, EWI. “The company embraces technology in the evolution of their lift truck products, not only in the design and manufacturing process but also in the products themselves. This has enabled Crown to sustain and grow its business in some highly competitive global markets.”

Ohio’s six Edison Technology Centers provide a variety of product and process innovation and commercialization services to both established and early-stage technology-based businesses. The centers work to stimulate commercial development and manufacturing throughout Ohio via the creation and deployment of new technology. Companies qualify for the Crystal Award recognition by having collaborated with at least one of the Edison Technology Centers to help improve productivity, support innovation or develop and apply new technologies. 

“We’ve always had a great appreciation for the efforts of the Edison Technology Centers,” said Dave Besser, senior vice president of manufacturing, Crown Equipment. “Their work to advance so many companies and our state overall is commendable. We’re honored that our contacts at EWI thought of us for their nomination this year, and we’re grateful for their efforts on our behalf.”